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TwoCan offers a variety of creative programmes for young people between the ages of 7-25 during the Easter and summer holidays.

The sessions focus on a wide range of exciting and fun activities that are accessible and inclusive to help young people develop creative skills, improve confidence and make connections through teambuilding.

Activities include:

  • Music
  • Art
  • Dance
  • Sports
  • Cooking
  • Creative writing

Working with companies who have the same ethos of inclusive practice, individuals who take part in our holiday programmes also gain a wider knowledge of the creative arts whilst taking part in activities.

If you’re looking to find out more about our holiday programmes, please get in touch.

2Can UCan

2Can UCan offers young people a choice of fun and creative activities to choose from where they can explore new skills and enhance their relationships with one another.

Upcoming activities:

  • Example 1
  • Example 2

For £20 per session, young people can sign up to individual days or come along for the week to work with professionals who will support them while enjoying a range of creative and artistic experiences.

5th-9th August from 10:30am – 3:30pm


The Ripple’s programme is TwoCan’s late summer offering, it gives young people the chance to work with an industry professional along with our staff, to create and perform for friends and family at the end of a week full of activities.

We’ll look at:
Working together, young people will explore what ripples are and how they make an impact, using this theme to inspire ideas and develop their creative skills.

At £70 for the week, the Ripples programme is open to all young people and we’ll consider the needs and abilities of anyone who comes along to make sure they get the most out of the week.

27th-31st August from 10:30am – 3:30pm

What’s on

If you’re looking to show your support, or get involved, why not find out more!